Form adjective from the noun :- fool, care, hope, trouble, shame, sense, silk, boy, play, gold, dirt, storm, pardon, Hugh, outrage, courage, glory, envy, man and King
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great fool,good care,best hope,small trouble, no shame, lost sense, red silk, good boy, play cricket, yellow gold, bad dirt, big Storm, good pardon, big Hugh,small outrage, big courage, beautiful glory, big envy, good man& great king.
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Fool- foolish
care- careless
hope- hopeful
trouble- troublesome
shame- shameless
sense- senseless
silk- silken
boy- boyish
play- playful
dirt- dirty
storm- stormy
outrage- outraged
courage- courageous
glory- glorious
envy- envious
man- manly
Hope it would help you...I don't know of pardon, Hugh and kind and couldn't find too...
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