English, asked by BuntyGupta2006, 10 months ago

formal report format​


Answered by Anonymous


hiiii....plz complete ur question

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Answered by mridulstar2869




(follow the format directed by your instructor)


A simple statement of the purpose of the lab or the problem being solved. This may be written as a question or as a statement.


While you should assume your audience has some knowledge of the report topic, the main purpose of this section is to give the reader the necessary understanding of the experiment so that they can interpret your results. A second vital purpose is to include any known facts from past research, so that you can refer to these in your analysis. Use the introduction to the activitiy to get you on the right track. Don’t just copy the information – learn to paraphrase, NOT plagerize! Give enough information that an uneducated person reading the report would have enough background to understand what is going on. At the end, always include an explicitly stated hypothesis of what you expect to occur during the activity. Make an “if … then” statement. “If this variable is adjusted, then this should happen to the experimental data.” You may include graphics for clarity. All the information you learned from someone else needs to be “cited” in the Introduction (see Citing Scientific References)


This can be a list.


Procedures should always be presented clearly, so that a person who has not done the activity can duplicate the activity exactly. All steps should be numbered and a line skipped between steps for clarity. Include diagrams of your set up if it helps understanding.


Most of the time a data table and accompanying graph is the best way to report this. Always use computer-generated graphs with the essentials: title, both axes labeled with units, and a legend and make sure they are “roomy” enough for the data. Always use the proper units! Remember that on graphs, the independent variable goes on the x-axis and the dependent variable goes on the y axis. Do not hand draw a graph (see accompanying sheet on data table and graph format.) A good data table or graph can taken completely out of the context of the lab report and still be properly and correctly interpreted. Written observations must also be included, describing what was objectively (not subjectively) observed and comments about what happened while running the experiment. (EX: colors of a product, solutions that spilled, difficulty you had performing a certain aspect of the lab, texture, smell, unusual behaviors of experimental subjects)


This is the heart and soul of your report. If there are questions accompanying the activity, use those as guides as to what to include in the analysis section. This is the ONLY place in the report where you should be interpreting your results. First, summarize the data from tables and graphs in words to validate your arguments. This does not mean a parrot-like recitation of all the data when you’ve already given it in a table. It means: look at the data from the experiment for trends, refer to your actual data numbers to show a point. Don’t just use qualitative terms like: “Group 1 had a larger amount.” Better said: Group 1 had 33% less cavities. You’ve taken the raw data, performed a calculation, and used it to underscore a trend.

After you’ve summarized the data, decide which errors are relevant which were so large as to invalidate the experiment? How might have your observations affected your results? Analyze WHY you got the results you did … BE SCIENTIFIC! THINK!!! This is your chance to show you understood the experiment. If there are ways to improve the activity, mention them here.


This section can be fairly short. It should answer the question in the purpose. Make sure to include whether you hypothesis was valid or invalid. Avoid “wordy” phrases that are unnecessary and do not add to the report.

Poor example: “In this lab, it was first concluded that the best or optimum pH for bean seed germination was 5.6.” Better example: “The optimum pH for bean seed germination is 5.6.”

IX. Literature Cited

It is up to you to select the most useful references. All references cited in your report must appear in the literature cited section .

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