English, asked by Avartanathlay, 1 year ago

Format of informal and formal letter clasa 10th​


Answered by Anonymous

1) Format of Formal Letter – Address

Senders’ Address – It should be written on the left-hand corner, it should include your street address, city, state, pin code and your contact number.

Receiver’s Address – Mention the recipient’s address in the right-hand corner just below the date.

2) Format of Formal Letter – Date & Salutation

Date – The date should be placed just below the sender’s address with a line gap.

Salutation – “Dear Sir/Madam” suffices, if you know the name of the person, address them directly ensure that you address them formally using “Rev.”, “Dr.”, “Mr.“, “Mrs.“, or “Ms.“, and include their full name.

3) Format of Formal Letter – Subject & Body

Subject – Write the subject of the letter, keep it brief and if possible in one line only.

Body Text – Organize the writing into paragraphs, the writing should include sophisticated vocabulary, standard spellings and punctuation.

The 1st paragraph should be short and on point, mention the purpose of the letter.

The paragraphs in the middle should contain some relevant details with reference to the purpose stated in the 1st para.

The last paragraph should talk about the action you expect the recipient of the letter to take.

4) Format of Formal Letter – Ending

Ending of a formal letter – Sign off with appropriate closing statement followed by your signature and full name, the most preferred salutations are – Yours Faithfully, Your Sincerely etc.

Writing Style for Informal Letters

The name itself suggests that an informal letter is more casual in nature

Therefore, the writing involved will be short, simple and friendly depending on your relationship and the equation you have with the recipient.

An informal letter is written to friends, family, acquaintances etc. for personal communications.

Informal Letter Format

Now that you know the purpose behind writing informal letters, it’s time to learn more about the format of informal letters.

What is ‘format’?

A format entails the structuration, appearance, and presentation of your content.

What is the format for Informal Letter Writing?

An informal letter consists of 7 key elements which are mentioned below –

Address (Personal/Recipient’s)




Main Content







Answered by RonakMangal



Format of a Formal Letter includes:

The following points need to be taken into consideration while writing a Formal letter-

a. A Formal Letter strictly follows the prescribed Format for writing a Formal Letter.

b. Use of colloquial words, abbreviations and slang language should be restricted while writing a Formal letter.

c. A Formal Letter must be precise and to the point.

d. The Subject line is very important in a Formal Letter.

The Format of a Formal Letter is as follows –

1. Sender’s address: The address and contact details of the sender are written here. Include email and phone number, if required or if mentioned in the question.

2. Date: The date is written below the sender’s address after Leaving one space or line.

3. Receiver’s address: The address of the recipient of the mail (the officer / principal / Editor) is written here.

4. Subject of the letter: The main purpose of the letter forms the subject. It must be written in one line. It must convey the matter for which the letter is written.

5. Salutation (Sir / Respected sir / Madam)

6. Body: The matter of the letter is written here. It is divided into 3 paragraphs as follows -

Paragraph 1: Introduce yourself and the purpose of writing the letter in brief.

Paragraph 2: Give a detail of the matter.

Paragraph 3: Conclude by mentioning what you expect. (For example, a solution to your problem, to highlight an issue in the newspaper, etc).

7. Complimentary Closing

8. Sender’s name, signature and designation (if any)

Format of an Informal Letter

The following points need to be followed while writing an Informal letter-

a) An Informal Letter does not strictly follow the prescribed Format.

b) The language of an Informal Letter must be friendly and casual.

c) An Informal Letter can have extra information.

d) The Subject line is not required in an Informal Letter.

The Format of an Informal Letter is as follows –

1. Address: The address of the sender is followed by that of the receiver.

2. Date: The date is written below the address after leaving one line.

3. Salutation / Greeting (Dear / Hi / Hello)

4. Body: The matter of the letter is written here. It is divided into 3 paragraphs as follows -

a) Paragraph 1: beginning

b) Paragraph 2: Main content.

c) Paragraph 3: ending

5. Sender’s name and signature.

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