Four friends apara, binnie, chitra and dilpreet live in four consecutive houses on a street, f11, f12, f13 and f14. Apara has dilpreet as her next-door neighbour on one side and chitra on the other. Binnie and chitra do not stay in adjacent houses and chitra's house number is greater than that of binnie. Who stays in house number f-11? F11 - f12 - f13 - f14
f11 binnie
f12 billpreet
f13 apara
f14 chitra
Binnie stays in house F-11
Dilpreet stays in house F-12
Apara stays in house F-13
Chitra stays in house F-14
Step-by-step explanation:
Brief about the question:
The question asked here is related to the topic, 'Linear Arrangement,' which comes under logical reasoning. Such questions can't be solved at one go, and it takes multiple cases and arrangements to be made before getting the apt arrangement. These questions are meant to be solved by a step-by-step method, i.e., following the details mentioned in the question in the given order and sequence. Every data holds equal importance and is detrimental to obtaining the correct answer.
Apara has Dilpreet and Chitra as her neighbors on either side.
Binnie and Chitra are not adjacent neighbors.
Chitra's house number is greater than Binnie's.
∴ After following the given information, the following arrangement is set that suits perfectly with the conditions:
F11- Binnie
F12- Dilpreet
F-13- Apara
F-14- Chitra