English, asked by student3024, 9 months ago

Frame a point wise Analysis of the poem 'Vocation'.Use the following points. ​


Answered by suruchi4021


The perceptions of the boy are obviously childish. Unaware of his possibilties for the future, he sees excitement and fun in these tedious jobs held by men who probably find little fulfillment in their work. Hopefully, time and maturity will enable the boy to find his vocation through his education and commitment to a profession. The perceptions of the boy are obviously childish. Unaware of his possibilties for the future, he sees excitement and fun in these tedious jobs held by men who probably find little fulfillment in their work. Hopefully, time and maturity will enable the boy to find his vocation through his education and commitment to a profession. The perceptions of the boy are obviously childish. Unaware of his possibilties for the future, he sees excitement and fun in these tedious jobs held by men who probably find little fulfillment in their work. Hopefully, time and maturity will enable the boy to find his vocation through his education and commitment to a profession.

Answered by safqatzahera


A vocation is a type of profession which demands special commitment: a calling or destined profession which gives the person special happiness and fulfillment. Tagore's poem, written in free verse, employs first person narration. The narrator is a boy who observes different people at work during his day.

In each worker, the narrator finds something pleasing and envies the worker. These are his perceptions of each occupation:

Before school, the hawker (street vendor)= sells jewelry; no time frame; does not have to travel

After school, the gardener=allowed to do all the things a boy loves; gets dirty and wet; uses a shovel; no one tells him what to do

At night in bed, the watchman= walks the streets with only his shadow following along; carries a lantern; never has to go to bed

Failing to realize that his education will provide him with many opportunities, the young boy values only freedom without authority. Foolishly, the boy does not see the hardships that each worker faces.

The hawker yells all day, standing in the same spot trying to sell cheap jewelry. Undoubtedly his work is boring and unsatisfying.

The gardener, possibly working for someone else, spends hours doing backbreaking work. His job is dirty and wet and his hands are calloused from using gardening tools.

The watchman walks all night without sleep. He must carry a lantern. The streets are shadowy, desolate, and lonely.

The perceptions of the boy are obviously childish. Unaware of his possibilties for the future, he sees excitement and fun in these tedious jobs held by men who probably find little fulfillment in their work. Hopefully, time and maturity will enable the boy to find his vocation through his education and commitment to a profession.

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