freedom comes with responsibility with 300 words
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"With great power, comes great responsibility"
Uncle Ben said these words to Peter Parker, making him realize what it took to be a vigilante was not just a mask and cool powers but a sense of righteousness.
When granted powers, we often misuse them. It's only human. We use them for selfish reasons. Imagine what if the President used all his powers to declare a public holiday just because he didn't feel like getting up in the morning?With power, we need to know when and how is it right to use them. When you're the strong one, you should not step on the weak but instead help them rise and guide them.
Power without restraint or morality is dangerous. A person utilising power with responsibility and for welfare of others is always upheld and respected, but when this usage of power becomes arbitrary, it is sure to be overthrown.
Gandhi and Hitler, both had power. But what separates them is their attitude towards responsibility. Hitler used his power to work towards his personal biases, while Gandhi used his power to liberate others, without any biasness.
Uncle Ben said these words to Peter Parker, making him realize what it took to be a vigilante was not just a mask and cool powers but a sense of righteousness.
When granted powers, we often misuse them. It's only human. We use them for selfish reasons. Imagine what if the President used all his powers to declare a public holiday just because he didn't feel like getting up in the morning?With power, we need to know when and how is it right to use them. When you're the strong one, you should not step on the weak but instead help them rise and guide them.
Power without restraint or morality is dangerous. A person utilising power with responsibility and for welfare of others is always upheld and respected, but when this usage of power becomes arbitrary, it is sure to be overthrown.
Gandhi and Hitler, both had power. But what separates them is their attitude towards responsibility. Hitler used his power to work towards his personal biases, while Gandhi used his power to liberate others, without any biasness.
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