Friends and flatterers summary
Friends and Flatterers
- William Shakespeare
The poem ' Friends and Flatterers 'written by William
Shakespeare tells us that our true friends are not
those who praise us in good times but those who
help us in times of need.
According to the poet, a person who flatters you is
not necessarily your friend. Their words are like the
winds which come, go and change direction very
easily. He says that as long as you are affluent, all will
be your friend but when you need some help, no one
will come up to help you. But a true friend will always
be with you. If you are in sorrow, they will weep with
you and will stay awake if you can't sleep, with every
grief of yours he grieves too. These are the basic
differences that must be kept in mind to segregate a
friend from a flatterer.
The poem showcases the poet's disappointment,
bitterness and realization of the dark side of the
human nature.