Environmental Sciences, asked by siddharth28, 1 year ago

From today What Would Earth Be like In a million Years


Answered by Alice1256
It probably won't exist in a million years.

Alice1256: we might end up living in a different planet
siddharth28: Thats also true
finefrenzy: yeah, as our earth is till sun is here and sun is here for 5 million years more,till than we will start living on mars maybe..
Alice1256: Yup :)
Albert01: The Sun grows 10% hotter every billion years (so I've heard), so it'll be 1% hotter in 100 million years .
Albert01: Of course, the Ice Ages are a 2 million year blip in the geologic record, and were brought on by plate tectonics and the Milankovitch Cycles. So, the Earth will return to its naturally hot and dry state. Add all the carbon dioxide humans will put back into the atmosphere, and the Earth will be in its Cambrian state (half a billion years ago), with an atmosphere of 7000 parts per billion CO2, and less oxygen than the 21% we enjoy now.
Albert01: We pump water into oil wells, and water is mostly oxygen. Oil wells are carbon and hydrogen , so the swap will put oxygen underground, and carbon in the air. And that carbon will be carbon dioxide. So, either animals will evolve to handle that, or they will simply go extinct.
Albert01: From what I've seen, geologists don't know if the Old World and the New World will come back together via the Atlantic or the Pacific. Ive read both theories. I guess it'll be both, since the US is splitting in two along a rift that has also made the Rio Grande. There's 2000 feet of sediment covering the rift. Sediment from the Rockies that used to be 6 miles high 
Albert01: did u get ur answer
Albert01: 100 million years: Fossil fuels replenished! It's a renewable resource on this time scale. Hopefully, by this time humans will have gone solar, or left the planet. If not, then history will repeat , and we'll have global warming from increased CO2 levels that offsets the global cooling from the mountain chains. Al Gore's great, great, great... ...great, great, great grandson will make a movie called "An Inconvenient Truth".
Answered by finefrenzy

as alice said that earth will not exist in the coming years but if it exist then it may look like these ,as because after millions years human species will either extinct or will settled on another planet....
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