Physics, asked by rohit112, 1 year ago

from top of a tower 100 m height a ball is dropped and at same instant another ball is projected vertically upwards from ground with velocity 25 m/s , find when and where two balls will meet.


Answered by Deekshii1

Lets take distance covered by the stone thrown upwards to meet the other as x. Then the other stone covers a distance of (100-x)m.

Let the ball dropped down be b1. So the ball thrown up is b2.

b1 => d = 100-x

          g = 9.8 m/s sq.

          u = 0

We know, s= ut + 1/2at sq.

Putting values,

100-x = 4.9t sq.                  ....(1)


b2 => d = x

          g = -9.8 m/s sq.

          u = 25 m/s 

We know, s= ut + 1/2at sq.

Putting values,

x = 25t -4.9t sq.                  ....(2)

Adding (1) and (2),

100-x +x = 4.9t sq. + 25t - 4.9t sq.

t = 4 secs.

Puuting t = 4 in (1),

100-x = 4.9t sq.

100-x =19.6


x = 80.4 m

So, they meet at  80.4 m from ground after 4 seconds

rohit112: no this answer was wrong
rohit112: correct answer is - 78.4m from top, 4s
Answered by Anonymous

_/\_Hello mate__here is your answer--


⚫Let the two bolls meet after a time t.

CASE 1 :-When the bolls dropped from the tower

u = 0 m/s

g = 9.8 ms−2

Let the displacement of the stone in time t from the top of the tower be s.

From the equation of motion,

s = ut + 1/2gt^2

⇒s = 0 × + 1/2× 9.8 ×t ^2

⇒ s = 4.9t^2 …………………… . (1)


CASE 2 :--When the bolls thrown upwards

u = 25 ms−1

g = −9.8 ms−2(upward direction)

Let the displacement of the bolls from the ground in time t be '

Equation of motion,

s' = ut+ 1/2gt^2

⇒s′ = 25 × − 1/2× 9.8 × t^2

⇒s′ = 25 − 4.9t^2 …………………… . (2)


Given that the total displacement is 100 m.

s′ + s = 100

⇒ 25 − 4.9t^2 + 4.9t^2 = 100

⇒ t =100 /25 = 4 s

The falling bolls has covered a distance given by (1) as = 4.9 × 4^2 = 78.4 m

Therefore, the bolls will meet after 4 s at a height (100 – 78.4) = 20.6 m from the ground.

I hope, this will help you.☺

Thank you______❤


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