Science, asked by jess204, 1 year ago

fullform of PET ..
..pls ​


Answered by aimanwani
pσlчєthєnαчlє tєrєphthαlαtє
Answered by tanmoyvestige

here are all of the full form now you choose which one you want to know

PET: Positron Emission Tomography

PET: Parent Effectiveness Training

PET: Personal Electronic Transactor (early Commodore PC)

PET: Polyethylene Terephthalate (more common than PETE)

PET: Preliminary English Test

PET: Programa de Educação Tutorial (Portuguese: Education Program Tutorial; Brazil)

PET: Privacy Enhancing Technologies (Symposium)

PET: Politiets Efterretningstjeneste (Danish for Police Intelligence Agency)

PET: Petroleum Ether

PET: Potential Evapotranspiration

PET: Post-Exposure Treatment (rabies vaccination)

PET: Pierre Elliot Trudeau (former Canadian Prime Minister)

PET: Programa de Empleo Temporal (Spanish: Temporary Employment Program; Mexico)

PET: Photoinduced Electron Transfer

PET: Programming Environment and Training (HPCMP)

PET: Privacy Enhancing Technology

PET: Potentially Exempt Transfer (UK inland revenue)

PET: Personal Terminal (MegaMan, gaming)

PET: Pupil Evaluation Team

PET: Pre-Eclamptic Toxaemia

PET: Positron Emissie Tomografie (Dutch)

PET: Performance Evaluation Tool

PET: Print Enhancement Technology

PET: Priority Encoding Transmission (algorithm)

PET: Piezoelectric Transformer

PET: Persuasion Emotion and Trust

PET: Proton Electron Telescope

PET: Precision End Trimmed (lumber)

PET: Presidential Electoral Tribunal (Philippines)

PET: Performance Evaluation Test

PET: Productivity Enhancement and Technology

PET: User Productivity Enhancement and Technology Transfer (Previously Productivity Enhancement andTechnology)

PET: Piezo-Electric Transducer

PET: Phase Elapsed Time

PET: Performance Evaluation Team

PET: Portable Electronic Thermometer

PET: Pet Energy Therapy

PET: Pile Echo Tester (system for testing piles/shafts/deep foundations)

PET: Project Execution Team

PET: Personal Electronic Thingy

PET: Professional Employment Training

PET: Protected Entrance Terminal

PET: Product Enterprise Team (US Navy)

PET: Proposal Evaluation Tool

PET: Piston Engine Technology

PET: Polling Every Time

PET: Permanent Engaged Tone

PET: Production Environmental Test

PET: Process Enhancement Team

PET: Propulsion Engineering Trainer

PET: Peak Engine Torque

PET: Parker Endotracheal Tube

PET: Pilot-Line Experiment Technology

PET: Pulse Energy Thermography

PET: Phase Emission Tomography

PET: Precision Electric Turret

PET: Physical Education Teacher (various schools)

PET: Paraffin-Embedded Tissue

PET: Plan de Expansión de Transmisión (Spanish: Transmission Expansion Plan)

PET: Preservative Efficacy Test

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