Solve this question
I got tan theta +sec theta in LHS side

divide throughout by cos theta as we will be needing to prove it that way...
when you do so :
tan theta + sec theta - 1/tan theta - sec theta + 1
we know that sec2 theta - tan2 theta is 1 so we put that in the place of 1
tan theta + sec theta - ( sec2 theta - tan2 theta) / tan theta - sec theta + 1
a2+b2 = (a+b) (a-b)
tan theta + sec theta - (sec theta + tan theta) ( sec theta - tan theta)/tan theta - sec theta + 1
we take tan theta + sec theta as common in the numerator
tan theta + sec theta * ( tan theta - sec theta +1 )/ tan theta - sec theta +1
tan theta - sec theta +1 gets cancelled and we get tan theta + sec theta
now coming to the R.H.S
rationalizing :
sec theta + tan theta/sec2 theta - tan2 theta
sec2 theta - tan2 theta is 1
so it becomes sec theta + tan theta
so L.H.S =R.H.S
plz mark as brainliest!
From L.H.S.
Hence proved.