function on lysosmes
The two main function of lysosomes are:-
1. Digestion of cellular wastes : When the cell absorbs something (like - glucose) it breaks them down to simpler substances (like - carbohydrates).
2.. Destroying harmful chemicals when they enter the cell : When a bacteria or virus enters the cell they have to destroy their cell membrane so that the cell can dissolve its useful remains and dispose off the harmful remains.
》Lysosomes are known as the scavenger's waste disposal system of the cell because a vacuole formed by the aggregation of primary lysosomes surrounds the old or dead organelles with vacuolar membrane and digest them.
》This process is called autolysis or auto digestion.
》So, lysosomes are also known as the suicidal bags of the cell.
》They are rich in hydrolytic enzymes.
》The enzymes present in Lysosomes are capable of digesting carbohydrates, proteins, nucleic acid and lipids.