Functions of chloroplast
Following are the important chloroplasts function:
•The most important function of chloroplasts is to synthesis food by the process of photosynthesis.
• Absorbs light energy and converts it into chemical energy.
• chloroplast had a structural engineer called chlorophyll which function trapping the solar eberggy and use for the synthesis of all green plant .
• produces NADPH and molecular oxygen (O2) by photolysis of water.
Functions of chloroplast :-
♥ It synthesize food by the process of photosynthesis .
♥ Absorbs light energy and converts it into chemical energy .
♥ It Produces NADPH and molecular oxygen (O2) by photolysis of water .
♥ It has a structure called chlorophyll which functions by trapping the solar energy and used for the synthesis of food in all green plants .
♥ It produces ATP by the process of
photosynthesis .