functions of gram sabha
Functions Of Gram Sabha. Gram Sabha is a key factor in making the Gram Panchayat play its role and be responsible. It is a place where all plans for the work of the Gram Panchayat are placed before the people. Gram Sabha prevents the panchayats from doing wrong things like misusing money on favouring certain people.
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Function of Gram Sabha.
Fuctions of a gram Sabha
- The gram sabha provides a form for the villagers to participate in the decision - making on important issues such as education and health in the village.
- It is a meeting for villagers to raise the problem faced by the village as a whole and arrive at Solutions.
- The sarpanch and the ward members are elected by the members of gram Sabha.
- What are some of the suggestions made during the gram Sabha to solve the problem ?
One of the villagers said he had seen ways of water conservation and recharging.Some of the methods used were planting trees and constructing check - dams and tanks.
- Who attends meetings of the Gram Sabha ?
All adults from one or more villages that come under the panchayat.
- Who do members elect to form the gram sabha ?
The Sarpanch and the ward members.
- He/She is elected by the villagers.
- He/She heads thr gram Sabha.
- He/She remains in power for 5 years.
- He/She represents the village at a block or district level.
- A sarpanch must be the oldest male member of the village.
A sarpanch can be a man or woman elected by the adults in the village.
- A sarpanch is Responsible for the maintenance and Construction of basic mecessities.
A sarpanch along with the other members of the gram panchayat is responsible for the maintenance and construction of basic necessities.