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grahambel invented telephone
Alexander Graham Bell, is known for his invention of the telephone and he brought about a revolution in the history of communication
Alexander Graham Bell, is known for his invention of the telephone and he brought about a revolution in the history of communication
It was in the year 1877 Alexander Graham Bell,d launched the Bell Telephone Company and secured the right of the company.
In the year 1871, Bell started working on the harmonic telegraph (a device that allows multiple messages to be transmitted over a wire at the same time)
It was in the year 1875, Bell, with the help of his partner Thomas Watson, came up with a simple receiver that could turn electricity into sound.
Alexander Bell was granted his telephone patent on March 7, 1876.
Alexander Bell made first-ever telephone call to Watson, uttering the now-famous phrase, “Mr. Watson, come here. I want you.”
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