Hindi, asked by aniketb248, 1 year ago

ग्रुप मधील कितीजण हुशार आहेत पाहु.
हे कोडी सोडवा
१.हिरवी पेटी काट्यात पडली,
उघडून पाहिली तर मोत्याने भरली
२.तीनजण वाढायला बाराजण जेवायला.
३.सगळे गेले रानात,
अन् झिपरी पोरगी घरात.
४.असा कोणता "तारा" आहे जो जमिनीवर रहातो
आणि काही दिवसात. आकाशात जातो ?
५.आजीबाईच्या शेतात
एका सुपात बारा कणसं
त्याचे तीस-एकतीस दाणे
अर्धे काळे अर्धे पांढरे,
असे हे जीवनगाणे
ओळखा कोण ?



Answered by MVB

The English version is :----

Look at the group's how smart they are.

Solve this puzzle

1.The big box was in the thorn,

Open the pearl and see if the pearl is full

Answer:  OKRA or LADYFINGER, which has white seeds inside thorned skin

2. Twelve people to eat three quarters

Answer:  CLOCK, which has 12 numbers that denote time and 3 hands that denote hours, minutes and seconds.

3. In the past,

And in the zippy cottage house.

Answer:  BROOM

4. What is the "star" which remains on the ground?

And in a few days Go to the sky?

Answer: LIFE, when alive a person remains on round and post-death it turns into a star.

5. In the fields of Azadi

One swoosh

Its thirty-one-thirty grains

Half black half white,

Such life-styles

Answer:- YEAR, as it has 365 days

Answered by Anonymous

According to me this is a very interesting puzzle.Here we are given some hints too.When we carefully read the puzzle.The answers are as under :-


2 ) घड्याळ

3 ) केरसुनी

4 ) म्हातारा

5 ) म्हातारिच्या डोक्यातिल केस

I hope this solves your query

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