Biology, asked by uikeyalisauikey, 2 months ago

गिव डिफरेंस बिटवीन मोनोकॉट एंड डिकोट रूट​


Answered by devip649


.•♫•♬•The differences between monocotyledons and dicotyledons are several. The seeds that sprout from Monocotyledons have a single seed leaf, as in when Corn/Maize starts to shoot. This is the meaning of the word. Dicotyledons have a seed which is in two halves. This is the meaning of the word. Commonly these seed halves split and reveal the two halves as the two fleshy green seed leaves. Monocotyledons that grow to tree size are fibrous and don't lay down a lot of hard wood. Bamboos are the exception. Their leaf veins are parallel and one leaf encloses the next, whereas most dicotyledons have a more networkd leaf vein pattern and the leaves tend to be separately spaced up the stem and, some being oppositely placed, others alternately spaced. Monocotyledons have their flower parts in multiples of three. Usually three sepals and three petals, although grasses and sedges and rushes are more difficult to see this in, but it is more obvious in lilies, orchids, strelitsias, gingers, and dragon trees. Dicotyledons have their flower parts in multiples of four or five.

With Monocotyledons, Roots tend to be fibrous or fleshy with a corky outer coating in some cases and whereas Dicotyledons, the roots tend to be woody. There are exceptions of course. In both cases.•♬•♫•.

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