English, asked by kumarnikhil8798, 9 months ago

Q. 1. Read the passage carefully and answer
the questions that follow :
All spiders are carnivorous spiders, eat insects
including other spiders. Scientists often divide spi-
ders into two types: web spiders and ground spiders.
Web spiders produce webs to capture prey, while
ground spider hunt prey directly without using web.
Almost all spiders use poison glands to kill or paral-
yse their prey or to defend themselves.
Contrary to popular belief, most spiders bites are
nót dangerous to humans. Of the 40,000 species of
spiders, only about 30 species produce bites that may
cause illness. Spiders rarely attack humans unless they
feel threatened and if they do bite, the wound is rarely
serious. There is absolutely no reason to kill any spi-
der or to call an exterminator if you have spiders in
house. As an old English saying goes, “If you
want to live and thrive, let a spider run alive!"
give summary upto 80 words for this passage​


Answered by unitedgwalior


try to think yourself as according to yr knowledge yu will get the answer of this question

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