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all marks of punctuation , their usage and 5 examples
There are 14 punctuation marks:--
. is a period or full stop
, is a comma
? is a question mark
! is an exclamation mark
' is an apostrophe or single quote mark
" is a quotation mark/inverted comma
: is a colon
; is a semicolon
... is an ellipsis mark
- is a hyphen
– is an en dash
— is an em dash
( ) are parentheses or curved brackets
[ ] are brackets or square brackets.
Punctuation Mark Symbol Examples
Examplescomma. , She bought milk, eggs, and bread.
She bought milk, eggs, and bread.dash — The dash is also known as an "em dash" because it is the length of a printed letter m — it is longer than a hyphen.
She bought milk, eggs, and bread.dash — The dash is also known as an "em dash" because it is the length of a printed letter m — it is longer than a hyphen.ellipsis ... 0, 2, 4, ... , 100
She bought milk, eggs, and bread.dash — The dash is also known as an "em dash" because it is the length of a printed letter m — it is longer than a hyphen.ellipsis ... 0, 2, 4, ... , 100exclamation point ! It is cold!