Math, asked by antonylm10, 23 hours ago

get me the answer fast​



Answered by Anonymous

Step-by-step explanation:

Phloem is the tissues which transport food to different plant parts . It's consists of four types of cell - phloem parenchyma , phloem fibres , sieve tubes and companion cells . All cells of phloem are living except phloem fibres . Sieve tubes are elongated multicellular tubular structure which form continuous conducting path for substances various sieve tubes join at ends to form such channel.

Answered by Sly01

It is estimated that as much as 20% to 40% of Delhi's air pollution originates from Punjab farm fires. During peak burning season, Delhi experienced average PM 2.5 levels of 144 µg/m3 in November and 157 µg/m3 in December, exceeding the WHO's annual exposure guideline by more than 14 times,” the report states.

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