Gimme a story on We're made to fly.
Once there lived a king who was very fond of birds. One fine day , the king of the neighboring land gifted him two beautiful birds . The king was overjoyed . He handed over those birds to the royal trainer to be trained . After a few weeks , he went to know about the progress . But he was perplexed to know that even though one of the birds was soaring high in the sky , the other bird had still not moved from its branch . This confused the king. The trainer tried many ways to get the bird leave the branch but the bird wouldn't move. So , the king got it announced that whosoever will do the needful sill be given a handsome award. Many people came , tried their luck and left without succeeding . At last , a farmer came and boldly announced that he can help achieve the task.
The next day , the king saw the other bird flying high in the sky. He immediately called for the farmer and asked him how he did it. The farmer simply replied , "I simply cut the branch on which the bird was sitting".
We're all made to fly ! To soar high in life. But instead , we limit ourselves , clinging to the branch of fear. We need to break these boundaries , and rise up high.