Give 12 advantages of dictatorship.
The dictatorial leadership style focuses on the leader and no one else. It is a style of leadership where there is always personal control over the decision-making process for the team. A leader using this style may choose to receive feedback from their team, but any decision is theirs to make alone.
Dictatorial leaders tend to make decisions that are based on their own moral code. They combine their experiences, observations, and ideas together to create judgments. These judgments are then used to maintain absolute control over the group, often using rewards and punishments to generate loyalty.
This leadership style demands compliance and unquestioning support whenever an order is issued. Even if an organizational policy is different than the order given, dictatorial leaders will still expect compliance.
List of the Advantages of Dictatorial Leadership Styles
1. Dictatorial leaders can reduce the impact of mistakes.
The dictatorial leadership style forces the leader to create the framework for each project. They must outline specific steps for each worker to follow to create the outcomes that are envisioned. This process may increase the amount of work of the leader, but it also reduces the risks of a mistake occurring. Leaders are expected to always use best practices and closely supervise employees to ensure all orders are being followed.
2. This leadership style encourages short-term productivity increases.
When a team knows precisely what is expected of them, then they are more likely to achieve the results that are desired. Workers within a dictatorial leadership style have no room to question instructions, much less think about how to properly implement them. Over a short time period, this translates into a productivity increased because personal energies are directed toward project completion instead of troubleshooting.