English, asked by rishjajzbh, 8 months ago

Give 2 exercises of tenses... English ??


Answered by Anonymous


Answered by singlesitaarat31

\red {HELLO\:DEAR}

  1. We_____ TV when it started to rain. (to watch)
  2. I _____ to visit you yesterday, but you _____ not at home. (to want) (to be)
  3. Look! It ____, so we can't _____to the beach. (to rain) (to go)
  4. There are a lot of clouds! It _____ soon. (to rain)
  5. The sun ______ in the east. (to rise)
  6. Since 2011 they ______ their son every year. (to visit).

\green {VISHU\:PANDAT}

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