give a brief account of the region of alauddin khalji under the following heading

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Ala-ud-Din`s army captured the capital Anhilwara. The beautiful queen of Karan Dev second was made prisoner. She was taken away to Delhi. Ala-ud-Din married her. Ala-ud-Din`s army plundered Gujarat and took away a large amount of booty. But, the greatest prize of all bagged in `Hazar Dinari` slave, Malik Kafur, who became the prime minister of the King later.
Alauddin`s second conquest was Ranthambhor a very famous fort of Rajputana. Qutb-ud-Din and Iltutmish conquered it, but now it was being ruled by a Rajput king, Hamir Dev. In 1299, Ala-ud-Din sent an army under Ulugh Khan and Nusrat Khan to capture the fort of Ranthambhor, but the Rajputs defeated them. Even Nusrat Khan was killed in the battlefield. When Ala-ud-Din heard of this, he personally proceeded against Ranthambhor in 1301. The Rajputs fought bravely. It took a few months to capture Ranthambhor.
The most famous conquest in the Khilijian history was the conquest of Chittor by Ala-ud-din. The King of Chittor ,Rana Bhim Singh was captivated on Monday, Aug. 26, 1303 and Chittor fell. Thousands of Rajput women with Rani Padmini inside had entered a cellar and burnt themselves to ashes preferring a fiery death and unsullied honor to the lecherous hell of Islamic torture and venery. Discomfited Alauddin in impotent anger massacred thousands of children and old men found in the fort. In 1305 Alauddin Khilji captured Malwa and annexed Ujjain, Mandu, Dhar and Chanderi. Alauddin Khilji`s expedition to Bengal was not successful and it remained independent.
Alauddin`s second conquest was Ranthambhor a very famous fort of Rajputana. Qutb-ud-Din and Iltutmish conquered it, but now it was being ruled by a Rajput king, Hamir Dev. In 1299, Ala-ud-Din sent an army under Ulugh Khan and Nusrat Khan to capture the fort of Ranthambhor, but the Rajputs defeated them. Even Nusrat Khan was killed in the battlefield. When Ala-ud-Din heard of this, he personally proceeded against Ranthambhor in 1301. The Rajputs fought bravely. It took a few months to capture Ranthambhor.
The most famous conquest in the Khilijian history was the conquest of Chittor by Ala-ud-din. The King of Chittor ,Rana Bhim Singh was captivated on Monday, Aug. 26, 1303 and Chittor fell. Thousands of Rajput women with Rani Padmini inside had entered a cellar and burnt themselves to ashes preferring a fiery death and unsullied honor to the lecherous hell of Islamic torture and venery. Discomfited Alauddin in impotent anger massacred thousands of children and old men found in the fort. In 1305 Alauddin Khilji captured Malwa and annexed Ujjain, Mandu, Dhar and Chanderi. Alauddin Khilji`s expedition to Bengal was not successful and it remained independent.
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