Biology, asked by aishasharmaine4008, 10 months ago

Give a brief description about the life and steps of reproduction of silk moth.
Give me the best answer... and i shall consider your answer as THE BRAINLIEST.


Answered by SKBhattacharjee54


Silk is a natural fibre which comes from the cocoons of silkworms, which are the larvae of the mulberry silk moth Bombyx.

Life Cycle of a Silkworm:

- A female moth lays 300-500 tiny eggs and after around 10 days, the larvae (silkworms) hatch.

- The silkworms feed solely on large amounts of leaves from the mulberry tree for around 30-40 days.

- The silkworms shed their skin up to four times, or molt, as they continue to eat and grow.

- After their final molt, the silkworm builds a cocoon around itself. The cocoon is a protective casing spun from silk.

- Inside the cocoon, the silkworm changes into a pupa, the stage between larvae and adult moths.

- After around two weeks, the pupa emerges from the cocoon as an adult moth.

- The adult moth looks for a mate so that the female can lay more eggs and begin the cycle again.

- The thread from a mulberry cocoon when unwound can be 900 metres long

- Over 50,000 cocoons are needed to make 1 kg of silk

- To feed 25 silkworms from egg to the cocoon stage you need a 10 foot mulberry tree or 2 small bushes to provide enough leaves.

- A silkworm increases its size 10,000 times before it is ready to spin its cocoon. A small branch will most probably last a week and it takes 4 weeks for the silkworm to grow before it spins a cocoon.

Hope it helps u and please follow me, I will be thankful to u...

No need to mark me as the brainliest...

Answered by vaibhavibhagat


The silkworm is actually the larvae, or caterpillar stage, in the life cycle of the silkworm moth. If allowed to develop from pupa, and not destroyed at this stage in the cycle so that silk can be created, the caterpillar will develop into a creamy white moth patterned in brown---scientifically named Bombyx mori. The domestic silkworm can no longer be found in the wild, but the wild silkworm and other silk-spinning relatives remain untamed. As a domesticated insect, the adult moth has lost many of the abilities it once had, including the ability to find food and defend itself against predators. In addition, the silkworm moth can barely fly.

Silkworm Moth Reproduction

Copulation between silkworm moths lasts for several hours. After mating, the female silkworm moth lays her tiny eggs on mulberry leaves. Silkworm moths do not eat or drink in the final stage of their life cycle, they mate; the female lays her eggs and the adult moths die. In areas where the seasons change, silkworm moths reproduce only once each year. In areas where the climate is always warm, the moth's life cycle is ongoing.

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