Give a character sketch of astrologer?
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The character sketch of the astrologer:-
The astrologer lived with his family in a town.He was an astrologer only by profession.He had done no training for becoming an astrologer.His experinces and style of replying attracted and delighted his customers.He had a saffron turban on his head with a dozen cowrie shells,chloth with obscurce mystic charts , a notebook and a bundle of palmarya writtings.He worked at a place where there was some or the other activity going on.The place was of hustle and bustle with people walking up and down.There were no muncipal lights but he manged with the light comming from the other shops and had no light of his own.This setting would sparkle even an half witt's eyes.
When he was a youngster ,once he had gambled drunk and indulged in a fight .He a knife across Guru Nayak and belived him to be dead.He threw Guru Nayak in the well.This reason made him leave his village and come to the town and marry.
The astrologer lived with his family in a town.He was an astrologer only by profession.He had done no training for becoming an astrologer.His experinces and style of replying attracted and delighted his customers.He had a saffron turban on his head with a dozen cowrie shells,chloth with obscurce mystic charts , a notebook and a bundle of palmarya writtings.He worked at a place where there was some or the other activity going on.The place was of hustle and bustle with people walking up and down.There were no muncipal lights but he manged with the light comming from the other shops and had no light of his own.This setting would sparkle even an half witt's eyes.
When he was a youngster ,once he had gambled drunk and indulged in a fight .He a knife across Guru Nayak and belived him to be dead.He threw Guru Nayak in the well.This reason made him leave his village and come to the town and marry.
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In "An Astrologer's Day," the main character is the astrologer. He is an ordinary man who practices to be a genuine astrologer. At midday, he begins his job by seeking out people who need to know more about their futures.
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