English, asked by dawalama, 1 year ago

give a list of english vovel phonemes, both pure vowel and diphtongs, according to british received pronunciation. write the phonetic symbol for each vowel and give an example of a word in which it occurs.


Answered by dainvincible1
there r 12 monophthongs they r 
1. / ɪ /  (short vowel sound of ɪ)             e.g. pit, bit, hit
2. / ɪ: / (long vowel sound of ɪ)              e.g. me, see, key 
3. / e / (short vowel sound of e )            e.g. egg, leg, beg
4. / æ / (long vowel sound of æ)            e.g. pat, cat, hat
5. / 
ɑ: / (long vowel sound of ɑ:)             e.g. car, jar, par
6. / 
ɒ /   (shortvowel sound of ɒ)             e.g. hot, pot, got
7. / 
ɔ: /  (long vowel sound of ɔ:)             e.g. all, doll, ball
8. / 
ʊ /  (short vowel sound of  ʊ)            e.g. hood, wood, should
9. / 
u: /  (long vowel sound of u:)             e.g. pool, cool, you 
10. / 
ʌ /  (short vowel sound of ʌ)            e.g. girl, pearl, ulcer
11. / ɜ: /  (long vowel sound of ɜ:)            e.g. fur, word, heard
12. / 
ə /  (short vowel sound of ə)            e.g. aloud, alone, gutter
there r 9  diphthongs they r
1. / eɪ /          e.g. name, date, bait
2. / 
əʊ /         e.g.  home, gone, moan 
3. / aɪ /          e.g. bye, my, sky
4. / ɑʊ /         e.g. now, how, brow
5. / ɔɪ /          e.g. boy, toy, joy
6. / ɪə /          e.g. here, dear, beer
7. / ɛə /          e.g. fair, dare, share
8. / ɔə /          e.g. board, hoard, pour
9. / 
ʊə /          e.g. your, pure, sure
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