Science, asked by ickra, 10 months ago

Give a scientific reason with an example from daily life for your answer.


Answered by krishnakumarinadar

observe any one flowers and it is various parts and describe it in your own words

Answered by yashodeepshinde8421


Flower hibiscus answer:Calyx = In the bud condition the leaf like plant called sepals which are green in colour they form the Calyx 2. corolla= It is made up of the colourful parts are

called petals. observer the shape, colour and smell of the corolla of various flowers like rose, chrysanthemum,hibiscus magara ,tagar,Kenner etc.Androecium=This is the male reproductive part of the flowers. it consists of stamens. Each stamen is made up of anther and filament. Gynoecium= This is the female reproductive part of the flowers. this is made up of carples. A carples consists of stigma,style, and ovary

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