English, asked by harjas080808, 8 months ago

give a speech on how the wars are reasons of everything devastate around​


Answered by Charithaar


War has many disadvantages, but only a few advantages.


here are some of the main disadvantages for going to War:

War is very expensive. The costs for protecting your nation from the attacks of another nation, while planning and executing a military attach on another nation or enemy entity can be so expensive that it's cost prohibitive. In history, nation's have won Or lost wars and become so in debt that a financial take over has been possible, losing their national treasures and unable to rebuild after decades from war.

The loss of life and taxation can be catastrophic on the population. In WW1, The loss of the male population in Europe, combined with the taxation and rebuild of the European nation's infrastructure, took decades to achieve which really scored and hindered the effort for starting WW2 from lack of resources and population support!

Technology improvements occur which Is costly to achieve and usually not privately funded as in peace time. Rresearch and development is costly, but in war, done out of necessity which does not usually become an advantage to the general population until years and possibly decades later after the conflicts ends which is definitely not an advantage. Peace time tech improvements are usually available and passed to nations quickly and efficiently in a much shorter time dpan. In war times, it's usually stopped To the general population completely.

Population quality of life is diminished. The war effort takes resources and products out of the general population making them less available and more costly to aquire. The poor suffer the most during war times as food, medicine, and common daily life goods either become unavailable or are too costly to purchase.

Inflation usually occurs and adversely affects the value of the government's monetary sytem making the purchase value of your savings and wages less, your real estate value less, and your use of monies less effective on the open world market. Also, there's real fear here - Remember, if your country loses, the government's money may become worthless and the new conquering order can seize your property and assets for their purposes.

The last item that I'm adding, but there are many more reasons that make war a disadvantage, is the effect on the population. War creates losses, not just in human life, resources or debt, but in the mind of the population that suffered through the event. Some will feel strong in the victory, but most are diminished by the sacrifices and losses suffered to achieve war. Many will ask "Why did this happen?" Or "Was it worth the price?" for many years to come and never have a resolution until years, possible decades later or maybe never in their lifetime. Example : The Vietnam War has been over for more than 44 years, yet we still see the conciousness in our nation, these questions following our nation as we look at current conflicts and future conflicts. No, war is not an advantage, but it is a necessary evil we must be prepared to fight and win if we are to maintain our nation and our freedom.

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