give an account of the age wise distribution of population in India
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0-14 years (children)
15-64 years [working age)
65 years and over (elderly no work]
15-64 years [working age)
65 years and over (elderly no work]
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Account of the age wise distribution of population in India.
- India is the second-most populous country of the world as of 2019 the population of India is about 1,352,642,280 person and still rising with a density of 382 people per km.
- The population of India reached one billion mark in 1998 and will surpass china in 2030 by 1.5 billion marks. Having a growth rank of 1.13%.
- The birth rate for India is 18.2 / 1000 population and that of death rates is 7.3 / 1000 population suggesting of a population pyramid with a wide base. India has a fertility rate of 2.35 which is high.
- The age structure of the population is divided into young as 0 to 14 years i.e 28.6% of 190,075,426 males and 172,799,553 females.
- The age group of 15 to 64 is that of middle-aged and youth and is 63.6% and those of 65 years and above is 5.3% of the population. The highest life expectancy is found in Kerala for around 70 years.
Learn more about the account of the age wise distribution of population in India.
- answered by Cooldab.
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15-24 years: 17.9% (male 121,879,786/female 107,583,437)
25-54 years: 41.08% (male 271,744,709/female 254,834,569)
55-64 years: 7.45% (male 47,846,122/female 47,632,532)
65 years and over: 6.24% (male 37,837,801/female 42,091,086) (2017 est.)