Give an account of the life of people of the rainforests of the Amazon Basin class 7
We humans, are dependent on nature and interact with it for various reasons. Our interaction with the environment is endless and so is our ability to use it. Being the best example of human interaction with the environment, the Amazon basin has been exploited since time immemorial. Amazon basin is located in South America at 10° N and 10° S of the tropical region.
This region is also referred as the equatorial region. The Amazon river flows through the region and reaches the Atlantic Ocean through the mountains in the west.
Before reading further about Amazon basin it is important that we know the following definitions:
River’s Mouth: The place where a river flows into another water body is called the river’s mouth.
Tributaries: When a river or a stream flows into a larger river or lake then that river or lake is called the tributary of the larger river.
Amazon basin is the result of the many tributaries that flow into the Amazon river. Amazon basin passes through some parts of Brazil, parts of Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, Columbia and a tiny part of Venezuela. The Amazon river is home to thousands of unique species of flora and fauna. As a result, the Amazon river has been home to many wonderful civilizations like ancient Mayans and the Incas etc. Let’s throw a light on the various features of the Amazon basin.Amazon river
The Climate
Amazon basin is situated in the equatorial region which is hot and humid all through the year. Days and nights both are equally hot and wet. Nights are comparatively less hot but the humidity level remains unchanged. Due to the humid conditions here, it rains almost every day.