give an example of 2 irrational number who's product is a rational number
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Sqrt 2 is an irrational number
2*sqrt2 is an irrational number
Their product sqrt2*2*sqrt2 = 4 is a rational number
Answer by jim_thompson5910(34663)   (Show Source):
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# 1 Give an example of two irrational numbers whose product is an irrational number.
The numbers  and  are both irrational and so is . So the product of  and  (both irrational) is  (which is also irrational).
# 2 Give an example of two irrational numbers whose product is a rational number
The numbers  and  are irrational, but  is clearly rational.
So the product of  and  (both irrational) is  (which is rational).
2*sqrt2 is an irrational number
Their product sqrt2*2*sqrt2 = 4 is a rational number
Answer by jim_thompson5910(34663)   (Show Source):
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# 1 Give an example of two irrational numbers whose product is an irrational number.
The numbers  and  are both irrational and so is . So the product of  and  (both irrational) is  (which is also irrational).
# 2 Give an example of two irrational numbers whose product is a rational number
The numbers  and  are irrational, but  is clearly rational.
So the product of  and  (both irrational) is  (which is rational).
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