English, asked by Sinthiya3882, 11 months ago

Give an example of ants action to show she approves or disapprove of grasshopper


Answered by sakshidalvi817


The Ant and the Grasshopper

One ne summer’s day, deep in a meadow, a

grasshopper was bouncing about, chirruping and

singing without a care in the world. An ant bustled

by, weighed down by the enormous ear of corn

she was lugging to her nest. Time and time again,

the grasshopper watched the ant scurry back and

forth gathering food – insects, ies, grains of wheat

– anything she could nd, never once stopping to

admire the glorious day or relax in the rays.

The grasshopper found this dif cult to fathom

and teased her as she busied by, saying, “Take it easy

there, Ant! I don’t understand why you’re working

so hard. The day is long! Food is plentiful. Come and

rest awhile, and listen to my latest melody.”

“As it happens, Grasshopper, I am storing up

food for winter and you should be doing the same.

Summer won’t last forever, you know,” snapped

the ant as she continued on her industrious way, if

anything toiling just a little harder. The grasshopper

guffawed at the idea of working on such a day and

hopped happily off into the sunset, singing and

jigging all the way.

And summer didn’t last. It never does. Winter

came, bringing barren fare and frosty elds.

Grasshopper’s song stuck in his throat as he

shivered without shelter or sustenance, gazing

wistfully at the ants as they munched liberally

from their stores of food, shaking their heads at

him and offering him nothing.

“How foolish I have been!” he wailed, for only

then did Grasshopper understand that he should

have made provision for winter as Ant had said.

Sally Burt Who would you rather

be friends with – Ant or


food for winter and you should be doing the same.

the ant as she continued on her industrious way, if

anything toiling just a little harder. The grasshopper

at the idea of working on such a day and

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