Give at least three human laws
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Answer:1. Parkinson's Law
Parkinson also came up with the “law of triviality“, which states that the amount of time an organisation spends discussing an issue is inversely proportional to its importance. He argued that nobody dares to expound on important issues in case they’re wrong – but everyone is happy to opine at length about the triaval
.2. Student Syndrome
One of the most well-known examples of vigorous procrastination is student syndrome. As anyone who has ever been (or known) a student will know, it is standard practice to apply yourself to a task only at the last possible moment before the deadline.Student syndrome is so common that some experts in project management recommend not assigning long periods of time to particular tasks, because the people who are supposed to do them will simply wait until just before the deadline to start work, and the project will overrun anyway (International Journal of Project Management, vol 18, p, 173 .
3. Salem hypothesis
First proposed by Bruce Salem on the discussion site Usenet, the Salem hypothesis claims that “an education in the engineering disciplines forms a predisposition to [creationist] viewpoints”. This was rephrased somewhat by P. Z. Myers as “creationists with advanced degrees are often eng. 1982 article in the Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science