Social Sciences, asked by sandeepchhatriwala82, 6 months ago



Answered by llUnknown23ll


the vedic literature consists of four vedas, namely: rig veda, sama veda, yajur veda, and atharva veda. the mantra text of each of the vedas is called samhita.

Answered by safiashaikh


What is Vedic literature?

9 Answers

Surya Sunkara, Vedic Researcher

Updated 3 years ago · Author has 61 answers and 120.4K answer views

The Vedic literature were composed in Sanskrit.

To begin with the Vedas were recited and not written.

They were taught by oral method.

Hence they were called as Sruti (heard) and Smriti (memorized). But later on they were reduced to writing after the invention of scripts.

The major literary and religious works of Vedic Period are the four Vedas and the Upanishads. These works still continue to hold immense authority in the sphere of spiritual and religious literature. The idea and principles of Karma (action) and Moksha (spiritual liberation) are widely accepted by the people belonging to Hindu faith.

Four Vedas: Veda is a sanskrit word. It means “knowledge“. There were four Vedas :

The Rig Veda

The Sama Veda

The Yajur Veda and

The Atharva Veda.

▪Rig Veda: The Rig Veda is the earliest and most important Vedic Literature of Ancient India. The Rig Veda is written in the form of hymns. There are more than thousand hymns, divided into ten mandalas. The hymns are addressed to different gods. The River Hymn and the Hymn of Creation are some of the important hymns of the Rig Veda. We can gather valuable information about the political, social, economic life of the Vedic Aryans from the literature of Rig Veda and the other three Vedas.

▪Yajur Veda: The Yajur Veda is divided into two parts:

The Krishna Veda and

The Shukla Veda.

The Yajur Veda of Vedic Literature explains the philosophy and the technicalities of Yajna.

▪Sama Veda: The Sama Veda is a composition of hymns, mostly collected from the Rig Veda. It was recited at the time of Yajna or sacrifice.

▪Atharva Veda: The Atharva Veda contains information on politics, social sciences, medicine and also magic.

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