give definition for saprophyte,parasitic and holozoic nutrition with examples
Saprophytic nutrition is where the organisms feed on dead and decaying matter. Examples include bacteria and fungi.
Parasitic nutrition is where an organism lives in or on its host and acquires nutrition at the expense of its host. Examples include lice and tapeworms.
Holozoic nutrition is a method of nutrition that involves the ingestion of liquid or solid organic material, digestion, absorption and assimilation of it to utilize it. It includes taking in the complex substances and converting them into simpler forms. Example, proteins can be broken into amino acids.
A saprophyte or saprotroph is an organism which gets its energy from dead and decaying organic matter.
1. Indian pipe.
2. Corallorhiza orchids.
plant or an animal organism that lives in or on another and takes its nourishment from that other organism.
1. roundworms
2. pinworms.
Holozoic nutrition is a method of nutrition that involves the ingestion of liquid or solid organic material, digestion, absorption and assimilation of it to utilize it.
1. Protozoa
2. amoebas