give equation for formation of a basic gas by direct combination
Chemical changes take place when molecules or elements interact with other elements or molecules to form new chemical compounds. In order for a reaction to take place between molecules and or atoms, these molecules must come into contact with each other.
An example of a chemical reaction can be shown by the reaction of ammonia with hydrogen chloride to form ammonium chloride. This reaction is usually shown by a shorthand method called a chemical equation. The chemical equation for this reaction is...
NH3 + HCl � NH4Cl
This equation does not clearly show what has happened. In order for these two molecules to react, the pair of electrons on nitrogen must collide with the hydrogen atom of the hydrogen chloride on the side exactly opposite of the chlorine atom.
This collision must not only be precise as to the angle of the collision, it must have enough energy to break the bond between the hydrogen atom and the chlorine atom and form a new bond between the hydrogen atom and the nitrogen atom. Energy is released when a bond is formed. If all of these requirements are met, a reaction occurs forming a new compound.
The rate of a chemical reaction depends on all of the above factors. The reaction rate is measured by the change in concentration of one of the reactants or products over a measured period of time.If some reaction condition is changed, the reaction rate will be changed.Reaction coordinate diagrams are used to visualize the energy changes in chemical reactions. Some initial energy must be applied to any reaction in order to get the reaction started. This energy is called the energy of activation Ea.If a reaction releases more energy than it takes to keep it going, it is called an exothermic reaction.