give me answer please

1) first circuit will glow because the key is made of metal which is good conductor of electricity
2) insulator----- plastic , wood
conductor------ metals , impure water
3) we have to make sure that our hands are dry
don't touch wires etc...
hope it will help you
i-/ The circuit (a) will glow because here the circuit is complete whereas in circuit (b) the circuit is not complete because the tester's handle is an insulator as it's made up of plastic.
a/ Conductors are materials that allows electric current to pass through it.
Examples - Water , Iron e.t.c
b/ Insulators are materials that doesn't allow electric current to pass through it.
Examples - Stone , plastic e.t.c
iii-/The following precautions should be taken...
i - Never touch any electrical equipment or circuits with wet hands.
ii - Use rubber gloves while handling electric applications so that you don't get electric shock.