Science, asked by kundan4099, 1 year ago

give me some information about dinosaurs.


Answered by MissHarshuS


→ Dinosaurs  were huge reptiles found during the Triassic period about 233-243 million years ago.

→ They lived approximately 165 millions on earth.

→ The age before extinction of dinosaurs or in the age or in the period they were the kings of earth and roamed all over is known as ‘Age of Reptiles’ or Mesozoic era.

→ They felled under extinction about 66 million years ago when an asteroid called chicxulub hit the earth.


Few names of dinosaurs and some information about them are given below. Have a look at them -

Brachiosaurus, one of the largest herbivorous dinosaurs lived 150-130 million years ago. They weighed nearly 80 metric tonnes. They had an immensely long neck and a short tail.  

Stegosaurus were herbivorous dinosaurs.  They are also known as ‘Roof Lizards’ they have 2 rows of bony plates along their backs, which help them regulate their body temperature and also defend against carnivorous dinosaurs.  The size of it’s brain was exactly the same as a walnut.

Tyrannosaurus rex was a bipedal carnivorous dinosaur. It was also known as the ‘king of tyrant lizards’. It attained a maximum height of 4.5 m and a length of 12m It’s  jaws  were powerful  enough  to  crush bones and extract bone marrow. It had one of the most powerful bites with the force equivalent to 3 tonnes.  

Velociraptor, was a carnivorous dinosaur.  It had hollowed bones enabled it to run at the speed of 39 kmph. It possessed extremely large claws on each foot and it’s tail helped it to balance while slashing at it'

Micropachycephalosaurus was a dinosaur found in china. It was a bipedal herbivorous dinosaur. It was a small thick headed dinosaur.

Answered by bennyjohnson6b



Dinosaurs are a diverse group of reptiles of the clade Dinosauria. They first appeared during the Triassic period, between 243 and 233.23 million years ago, although the exact origin and timing of the evolution of dinosaurs is the subject of active research.

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