English, asked by swari7779, 1 year ago

Give me the list of singular and plural verbs


Answered by siri978
here is your ans

hope this helps you friend

swari7779: Siri I don't know what's your name but this picture I understood but singular verbs and plural verbs are totally different singular verbs means example singular verbs and plural verbs is it is different I am not talking about nouns it is works
siri978: what do you mean friend
swari7779: Example of singular verbs chases and example of plural verb is chase
swari7779: You have any answer for this and which class you are of because I have this lesson in 6th class
Answered by HrishikeshSangha

List of Singular and Plural verbs

Singular Verbs                     Plural Verbs

1. Becomes                           Become

2. Drinks                                Drink

3. Walks                                 Walk

4. Chases                              Chase

5. Hides                                 Hide

6. Knows                               Know

7. Sings                                 Sing

8. Wears                                Wear

9. Writes                                Write

10. Catches                             Catch

11. Drives                                Drive

12. Flies                                   Fly

13. Gets                                   Get

14. Goes                                  Go

15. Pays                                   Pay

16. Rides                                 Ride

17. Seeks                                Seek

18. Steals                                Steal

19. Bakes                                Bake

20. Makes                               Make

21. Springs                             Spring

22. Leads                               Lead

23. Cooks                              Cook

24. Forgives                           Forgive

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