give one example each of leisure and peak load period from the daily schedule of a working women.
Hi there,
Following are the examples of when a working woman is enjoying her leisure time and when she is at the peak working hours from her daily routine
Leisure time: From her daily routine, her leisure time would be the night tea/coffee in her comfort zone at her place. All all days hard work, this is the time before she sleeps.
High peak load hours: These hours would be when she is at work and does not have time to think about anything else but still manages to work at her office and also solve any queries that come from home.
I hope the answer is helpful
Some electrical appliances draw maximum current and exert heavy loads on the electrical circuits to which these devices are connected.
When maximum electricity is in demand, it is called peak load period while the demand of electricity may be minimized at some points of time.
The normal working hours at daytime is the main peak load period when the working women use computers, printers and other electrical devices at their workstations.
At their leisure time in the evening, they mainly use televisions, music systems, electric lightings, and ceiling fans or air conditioners.