Political Science, asked by Legsan162003, 4 months ago

Give some concrete instances when unity exist even though there are differences happening among people


Answered by shantanukumar9686

Imagine this. Billions of individuals, each with their own unique personalities and opinions, each with their own ideas on how the world should work, existing on the same planet, constantly having conflicts due to opposing ideologies.

Welcome to the Human race.

Following this logic, our society should be a warzone, with no agreements being made and nothing done. Cooperation would become impossible. Yet, we get by. Why? Simple. We have learned Unity.

Unity is what we call coming together and joining as one cohesive whole. Unity allows us to achieve something not by ourselves, but with the power of, quite literally, hundreds, maybe thousands of people, all with something new to contribute.

Wait a minute. How can this be? Everyone is different, after all.

True, but we can Unite because we are able to find something in common in others, and see a little part of ourselves in them. A common goal, a common identity......all this is the cornerstone of cooperation between people.

What about people who are completely different? The people we call "weird", or "strange", basically people that think in some other way we do not understand? Is Unity possible with them?

Of course. If anything, Unity between different people is better. You cannot expect to only work together with people similar to you. That is easy.

The difficult part is working with people that seem like complete strangers to us, like aliens. In the end, though, it actually works better.

If you learn to work with others of different skills and thinking, then what happens? You build on each other. Conflicting ideologies come up with new ones, skills are shared, things you have always assumed as the truth are tested, and new perspectives spring forth. The worlds you live in get much, much bigger, and the box you always defined everything in opens to show you more.

Take Singapore for instance. 50 years ago, it was a tiny island, a Nation which was just beginning to take the first steps as in independent Nation. It had no natural resources, limited land, and people from all walks of life, from different countries with different cultures, ideas, and backgrounds.

Yet, Singapore has built itself into a self-sustainable modern metropolis, with high standards of living and a harmonious society. They had virtually no resources at all, but one. The greatest, yet frequently underestimated asset of all. They had the People, and their hopes and dreams.

The People, all from different backgrounds and races, united as one to work towards a common goal: their desire for a better life in Singapore. They made Singapore into a multi-racial, multicultural, diverse society where everyone could work together for the good of the nation, and had an equal say.

Unity allows us to accomplish great things that we could never do on our own. It lets us combine our strengths to do something amazing. The greatest Unity, however, is not formed because. It is formed despite.

Answered by Anonymous

Unity in Diversity is very useful for a diverse country. It has always led people to come forward together for social cause or otherwise.

  • The social level of effective teamwork is definitely improved by Unity in Diversity. This is because of the growth of mutual trust and social bonding among individuals.
  • In combating various social problems, the idea of Unity in Diversity is successful, as different individuals appear to appreciate each other. This, therefore, increases mutual respect among individuals.
  • Unity in India represent the most influential example of 'unity in diversity' since the same rules are followed by individuals living with various faiths and cultures as set out in the Constitution of India.
  • An excellent example of India's Unity in Diversity is also the unforgettable fight for independence, when the unified nation stood united at par with the differences of the cast and faith.

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