Biology, asked by Anonymous, 2 months ago

Give the casual organism and means of spread of a disease in which patient suffers from high fever with specific pattern of cold, hot and sweating stage. Also give its prevention methods.


Answered by Yuseong

Provided Question

Give the causal organism and means of spread of a disease in which patient suffers from high fever with specific pattern of cold, hot and sweating stage. Also give its prevention methods.

Required Answer

Here, before finding the name of the "causal organism" and "means of spread of the disease",firstly we must know which disease is this.

In the question,some symptoms are given :–

  • High Fever
  • Specific pattern of cold, hot and sweating stage

In, "malaria" both of the symptoms occurs.

 \boxed {\large \rm \purple { Disease \leadsto \red { Malaria} }}

Now, we also know that,

  • Malaria is caused by protozoan (Plasmodium).So,

 \boxed {\large \rm \purple { Causal \: Organism \leadsto \red {Protozoan \: (Plasmodium) } }}

  • Since, it is spread through the bite of "female Anopheles mosquito".So,

 \boxed {\tiny \bf \purple { Means \: of \: spread \: of \: disease \leadsto \red { Bite \: of \: female \: Anopheles \: mosquito } }}

Prevention Methods :

We can prevent malaria by taking precaution against mosquito bites as it spreads through mosquitoes bite :–

Some of the methods are:

  • We should sleep under mosquito net.

  • We shouldn't allow the collection of water in our surrounding areas.

  • As mosquito larvae are found near water bodies,so we should spray kerosene oil on water bodies where they exist.

  • We should spray insecticides like malathion to kill the adult mosquitoes in our house.

  • We should use insect repellents to prevent mosquito-bite.

\large \bf \red { So, we \: are \: done!! }


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