give the conclusion of kings and chronicles
The rulers of the Mughal Empire saw themselves as appointed by Divine Will to rule over a large and heterogeneous populace. Although this grand vision was often circumscribed by actual political circumstances, it remained important. One way of transmitting this vision was through the writing of dynastic histories. The Mughal kings commissioned court historians to write accounts. These accounts recorded the events of the emperor’s time. In addition, their writers collected vast amounts of information from the regions of the subcontinent to help the rulers govern their domain.
Modern historians writing in English have termed this genre of texts chronicles, as they present a continuous chronological record of events. Chronicles are an indispensable source for any scholar wishing to write a history of the Mughals. At one level they were a repository of factual information about the institutions of the Mughal state, painstakingly collected and classified by individuals closely connected with the court. At the same time these texts were intended as conveyors of meanings that the Mughal rulers sought to impose on their domain. They therefore give us a glimpse into how imperial ideologies were created and disseminated. This chapter will look at the workings of this rich and fascinating dimension of the Mughal Empire.
Conclusion of kings and chronicles
Effective leadership and the role of kings affects the life of people and their nation. When governance ensures democracy to its citizen, country prospers. On the other hand, when the path of dictatorship followed by the ruler , it brings disasters in the life of people where they could not breath in freedom.
The failure or their achievements of the rulers of Judah much relies on their devotion and adherence to covenant and laws of God. Leaving the rule of rulers like Solomon and David maximum numbers of rulers chooses unethical ways in persuit of God and prospers themselves on the cost of their citizens. The acts of their faithlessness lateron becomes the main cause of downfall of Judah.
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Chronicle defination