English, asked by zalku, 1 day ago

give the meanings and make sentence of your own

1 topsy- turvy
2 inhabitants
3 grumpy​


Answered by eshadesh325

topsy turvy - complete confusion, or unorganised and in disorder.

sentence - when we went to the classroom, everything was topsy turvy as the class was very messy.

inhabitants - a person or animal that lives in a particular place

sentence - the elephant is an inhabitant of the forest.

grumpy - frustrated, annoyed or angry

sentence - she was very grumpy because she had to cancel her plans due to rain.

Answered by shaleenmitra


topsy - turvy - it refers to being upside down or the apex and the base of something changing place. Sentence - The world is turvy in my dreams.

inhabitants - a person or animal that lives in or occupies a place - Sentence - The tapeworm is an inhabitat of the intestine.

grumpy - bad tempered and irritable - Sentence - He has been a in a grumpy mood since he woke up. Hope it helps you.

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