give the type of traffic signs
1. Stop
2. Parking
3. U Turn
Type of Road Traffic Signs
Unlike a traffic signal, there are more than three traffic signs. For basic understanding, they can be clubbed under the following three types:
* Mandatory Signs
No Entry, Stop, Speed Limit, etc. are mandatory signs. Not following them is a punishable offense. For example, you can be fined if you drive your vehicle in a one-way lane from the wrong side and violate traffic rules. These signs ensure that all vehicles follow a similar pattern and there is no chaos on the road.
*Cautionary Signs
Right Hand Curve, Slippery Road, Narrow Bridge, etc. are cautionary signs. These signs also warn the driver regarding the immediate action to betaken. They alert the driver early about what’s coming next. Drivers can control their speed, adjust their lane positioning, etc. depending upon the cautionary signed displayed.
*Informative Signs
These signs might not have a direct impact on your driving but they surely are helpful. School Ahead, Hospital Nearby, etc. are some of the informative signs that can be seen on roadways. They provide the necessary information and you can choose to act accordingly if the information concerns you.