History, asked by avahazarika1242, 1 year ago

Give the view of church about the origin of man


Answered by princess99939


the christian church originated by roman Judea in the first century AD founded on the teaching of Jesus of nazerath who first gathered

Answered by sangeetha01sl


  • Man is the Son of God, formed in the divine image and endowed with divine attributes, and just as the infant son of an earthly father and mother is capable of becoming a man in due course, so are the undeveloped offspring of heavenly lineage capable of evolving into a god through experience through centuries and eons.
  • The church had no problem with the theory of evolution or the idea that early humans had a biological background as long as divine causation is not kept out of the picture. The Pope added that there must have been an "ontological leap" from any putative ancestor of Homo sapiens. In other words, we're not just monkeys in pants, which you can verify by trying to explain the Super Bowl to the smartest chimp.
  • What raises red flags in Catholics is not the theory of evolution but materialistic philosophy disguised as science."The Church" wrote Pope John Paul II, "Only distrusts preconceived notions that claim to be based on science but actually cause science to slip out of her purview." There is no doubt that the writings of many Darwinists fail this test.
  • People like Stephen Jay Gould, Richard Dawkins and Richard Lewontin start from a philosophical premise. God doesn't exist, so a purely materialistic explanation of everything, including us, must be true. But that is ideology, not science. Lewontin, who teaches genetics at Harvard, admits, "We  side with science ... despite the scientific community's tolerance for unsubstantiated stories, because we have a prior commitment to materialism.


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