give three disadvantages of Green Revolution
Disadvantages of Green Revolution are :
1. It can cause pests and weeds to develop hazards.
This modern method of farming is believed to cause the emergence of poisonous weeds and pests that are difficult to control. Aside from this, there is also the concern of cross pollination between genetically modified organisms and traditional plants that could result in invasive species.
2. It employs mono-culturing.
One of the biggest arguments against this modern technology is that it uses mono-culturing. This practice is known to require large tracts of land, which are not often available, intensive amounts of fertilizers and large volumes of water, bring about difficulties to farmers.
3. It would have difficulties with varied soil type by location.
As the Green Revolution does not take into consideration the type of soil for farming, only considering the area and doing what it needs for crop cultivation, it does not do anything to ensure soil fertility is replenished or retained.
The Green Revolution, or Third Agricultural Revolution, is a set of research and technology transfer initiatives occurring between 1950 and the late 1960s, that increased agricultural production worldwide, particularly in the developing world, beginning most markedly in the late 1960s.
Indian Economic Sovereignty. Criticism of the effects of the green revolution include the cost for many small farmers using HYV seeds, with their associated demands of increased irrigation systems and pesticides.
1).increase in agricultural production & productivity
2) employment generation
3)strengthened backward and forward linkage with industries ( backward-tractor,pesticides,insecticides.Forward - raw materials to industries)
1)change in traditional farm practises
2)income inequalities increased b/w rich &poor ( since it is benefited to those farmers who have potential to access to water ,technology etc)
3) regional imbalance increased ( since it was implemented in rain fed areas alone).
Green Revolution may be taken as, the adoption and diffusion of new seeds of wheat and rice has been considered as a significant achievement as it offered great optimism. In fact, these varieties of seeds have revolutionised the agricultural landscape of the developing countries and the problem of food shortage has been reduced.