give three reasons to justify that Non democratic government is better than democratic government
1. The process of decision making became fast.
2. The economic development takes place in non democratic country.
3. In non democratic government the powers centralised to one person due to which the decision can be fast.
Hey democratic form of government is the best form of government according to me.
According to me y it is gud b'couz
•it is the more accountable form of government.
•it gives many rights to the citizens to choose their reprenstative.
•It allows us to correct our own mistakes.
•It gives many rights to the citizens it includes right to life and many more.
and many more
so I think it is best form of government
and y not b'couz
• It leads to delays of decision.
•Rulers Don't know the best things for the citizens.
•It is all about political completions.
•There is no scope for morality. As it leads to political competitions.
and many more.
Hope it helped you and of it then pls mark it as brainliest.