give two suggestions to make people tolerant towards other religions
Remember John Lennons song….Let it Be. Just let people believe what they want to believe because they will believe what they WANT or NEED to believe anyway, no matter what we say. Think how many different skin colours and hair colours there are. They are just there. We accept them because they are just there and we know that is the way it is…no point getting upset about it. It is the same with religious beliefs, of which there are many, too many to be mindful about.
Some people say golf is the greatest sport in the world. A tennis player or boxer or cricketer (etc..) will disagree. There is no point arguing or getting cross with them because they have a different opinion. Don't upset yourself. It takes practice but you will get to the point where it does not matter to you what others believe. Also, you will find that you have better things to do than listen to religious pontifications and you will find ways to get out of the conversations. You wont want to waste your time. You will also, on occasions, find it amusing or incredulous regarding what people actually believe.
The two suggestions are
a. Indian Secularism advocates respect for all religions then, who are we to disrespect the others religions.
b. We should judge other people with their works and not by their religions.